Managing Time ! Oh Noooo 💪

      Managing Time!

    I really suck at managing time and I really need to improve the way I manage everything. This blog contains a few tips that helped me to keep up with my schedules.

  • The first and foremost step in managing time and get things done is to plan/schedule things. It may be a Time-table or a To-do list anything but we need to write done the things that needed to be done. Only after listing out, we can easily figure out which one we need to give the most priority.
  • After sorting out the things, we need to first complete the things with the most priority and move on to the things with the least priority.

  • Setting time limits helps me a lot to get things done quickly and on time.
  • One of the major changes in my life is brought through by building a habit of doing things at a particular time. For instance, I will do all my college works only during the morning and chill during the evening. That helps me to complete all the work in the morning itself and which results in saving more time.
  • So building a strong habit to follow the things needed to be done and train yourself to follow those things will definitely help you to manage time efficiently.
